Next week I start with my master Health Science and I am looking forward, because when I finished this year I am really 'something'. That feels good, but first I have until sunday to do all kinds of things that still need to be done for the gymnastics and my webshop. So I still enjoy my freedom a little bit while I am working my ass off ;) This march I started my webshop, and everything is going so well, but with all my wild ideas it's alot of work. I see is more as an expansion of my nailpolish addiction which I take very seriously.
Enough about me, let's take a look at this gorgeous color Feathered Vixen. For everything who loves purple nailpolish:

2 coats
Beautiful Color: 9
Opaque: 9
Easy to apply: 10
Easy to remove: 10
Doesn't Chip: 9
Long lasting: 9
Total: 9,3
Link to this nailpolish: Click Here